Phantom limb pain can be a debilitating and confusing experience for those who have lost a limb. Despite the absence of the limb itself, the brain still perceives pain as...
Mental health crises can be life-threatening, yet many people struggle to recognize when they need immediate help. Natalie McClintock, LCSW, from Huntsman Mental Health Institute discusses the warning signs of...
Losing vision can be overwhelming and scary. For many, it comes with an unexpected side effect—hallucinations. Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) causes vivid visual experiences in people with vision loss, but...
Talking to aging parents about advance directives might feel uncomfortable, but it is an essential step to ensure their wishes are honored during unexpected medical situations. Anna Beck, MD, from...
On this episode of Seven Questions for a Specialist, we speak with Randy Carson, a physical therapist at University of Utah Health. What are some of the best and worst...
Children experience many of the same mental health challenges as adults, but with unique symptoms and coping mechanisms tied to their development. Pediatrician Ellie Brownstein, MD, discusses common mental health...
Halloween is filled with spooky fun and sugary treats, but for kids with food allergies, it can be genuinely scary. Pediatrician Ellie Brownstein, MD, provides parents with strategies to ensure...
For children with autism, a trip to the dentist can feel overwhelming due to the unfamiliar sights, sounds, and sensations. James Bekker, DMD, from the University of Utah School of...
Like any sport, dance takes serious strength, stamina, and flexibility. As a dancer, it is important to keep safe from a potentially career-ending injury. Trina Bellendir, a physical therapist at...
Could something as simple as spending time in a hot tub or taking a supplement be impacting your fertility? Male infertility specialist Kelli Gross, MD, explains the top three most...
People with more moles than average might have a hard time trying to keep track of changes during self-examination for skin cancer. Doug Grossman, MD, from Huntsman Cancer Institute, introduces...
Some clothing and swimwear advertise their “UV protection” technology, but does this really work? Doug Grossman, MD, from Huntsman Cancer Institute talks about varying levels of protection you can adopt...
As many as one in five people suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, also known as GERD, but they might not know it. Jessica Stout, DO, a gastroenterologist at University of...
Finding any sort of lump "down there" may cause concern for most guys, but not all lumps are trouble. The Who Care's guys talk testicular lumps with urologist John Smith...
Diagnoses of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) among teenagers is on the rise. Pediatrician Cindy Gellner, MD, explains the symptoms of POTS, how it differs from other conditions like anxiety...
Every patient brings a unique narrative when they come into the doctor's office. Patients who feel heard, seen, and valued by their health care providers have better health outcomes and...
In the wake of pregnancy loss, finding supportive care can be transformative. Kirtly Parker Jones, MD, speaks with Bob Silver, MD, about the Utah Pregnancy After Loss Program, designed to...
Abdominal cancer encompasses a wide range of potential diagnoses with varying symptoms. Theresa Warner, MD, Deputy Director of Huntsman Cancer Institute, discusses the critical nature of recognizing early signs, from...
Forget bear attacks— there are much more serious threats to men's health. Dr. Troy Madsen shares the top five health threats that men ignore to their peril, from cardiovascular disease...
It might sound unusual, but it is true: some children can faint while grooming their hair. It is a peculiar condition known as hair grooming syncope. Pediatrician Cindy Gellner, MD...
1 in 5 U.S. physicians was born and educated abroad, according to the AAMC. Non-U.S. international medical graduates—different from Americans who attend medical school abroad—face various obstacles in getting to...
Can chemotherapy be used to prevent cancer? The short answer is no. Theresa Werner, MD, Deputy Director of the Huntsman Cancer Institute, debunks the notion of "preventative" chemotherapy in healthy...
Much like type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease can be managed in several ways. With this condition, it is especially true that if you take care of your body, it...
In adults and young children, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can look a lot like the common cold. But for little ones under two years old—especially preemie babies—RSV can be severe...