Interviewer: All right, it's time for "Seven Questions for a Specialist". Today it is physical therapist Randy Carson. Are you ready? I'm going to ask you seven questions. Just answer them as quickly as you can.
Randy: Yeah.
#1: What's the Best Thing I Can Do for Optimal Body Function?
Randy: Exercise.
#2: What's the Worst Thing I Can Do?
Randy: Eat poorly.
#3: Why Is Physical Therapy So Awesome?
Randy: I think it's so awesome because we still have a lot of one-on-one time with patients, where that's pretty rare in the healthcare industry.
#4: What Can Physical Therapy Do That Most People Are Unaware Of?
Randy: That's a good question. In my area, there's probably not a lot. I will say a misconception is that we give a lot of massages.
Interviewer: It's not the case?
Randy: I'm going to turn your question around. That's not the case.
#5: What Exercise Should Everyone Do? Is There Some Exercise That Everybody Should Do?
Randy: Absolutely. Everyone should walk and walk a lot.
#6: What's the Most Common Question You Get Asked When Somebody Finds Out What You Do?
Randy: It usually has to do with shoulder or knee pain and a lot of knee pain when I run.
Interviewer: And they want to know what you can do about it.
Randy: Yes.
Interviewer: What can you do about it, by the way?
Randy: Well, you should definitely get in shape so that you can run instead of trying to run to get in shape.
#7: Why Did You Specialize In Physical Therapy?
Randy: It's kind of a funny story. Way back when I was in 7th grade, I decided I wanted to be a PT after watching a news special on someone with a spinal cord injury who learned how to walk again. I decided way back then to do it, and I never turned back. That's the area of the field that I work in 23 years later.
updated: December 3, 2024
originally published: July 11, 2017
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