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Holly K. Ledyard
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Holly K. Ledyard, MD, MS

Languages spoken: English
  • Dr. Ledyard earned her MD at the University of Cincinnati, where she also completed her residency and fellowship.

    Dr. Holly Ledyard, assistant professor, is now an emergency physician and neurointensivist at the University of Utah. She has been the fellowship director of the neurocritical care fellowship and has been involved in fourth-year medical school education in the critical-care course. Prior to her arrival, Dr. Ledyard was a clinical instructor and an assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine while also serving as a faculty member for the Greater Cincinnati Northern KY Stroke Team.

    Specialty: Neurointensivist and Emergency Medicine

    Board Certification

    American Board of Emergency Medicine (Emergency Medicine)
    United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties (Neurocritical Care)
  • Dr. Ledyard earned her MD at the University of Cincinnati, where she also completed her residency and fellowship.

    Dr. Holly Ledyard, assistant professor, is now an emergency physician and neurointensivist at the University of Utah. She has been the fellowship director of the neurocritical care fellowship and has been involved in fourth-year medical school education in the critical-care course. Prior to her arrival, Dr. Ledyard was a clinical instructor and an assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine while also serving as a faculty member for the Greater Cincinnati Northern KY Stroke Team.

    Specialty: Neurointensivist and Emergency Medicine

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Neurology -Primary
    Eccles Health Library -Primary
    Board Certification
    American Board of Emergency Medicine (Emergency Medicine)
    United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties (Neurocritical Care)

    Education history

    Fellowship Neurocritical Care - University of Cincinnati Fellow
    Internship Emergency Medicine - University of Cincinnati Intern
    Residency Emergency Medicine - University of Cincinnati Resident
    Professional Medical Medicine - University of Cincinnati M.D.
    Graduate Training Physiology - Medical College of Ohio M.S.
    Undergraduate Molecular Genetics - Ohio State University B.S.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Majersik JJ, Wong KH, ODonnell SM, Johnson J, Garcia-Esperon C, Hamilton BJ, Tekiela P, Ledyard HK, Taillac P (2023). Telestroke value through the eyes of emergency medicine providers: A counterfactual analysis. Heliyon, 9(4), e14767. (Read full article)
    2. Brant-Zawadzki GM, Ockerse P, Brunson JR, Smith JL, McRae BR, Fonnesbeck A, Ledyard H, Ruechel A, Fassl BA (2021). An Aerosol Containment and Filtration Tent for Intubation During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Surg Innov, 28(2), 226-230. (Read full article)
    3. Brant-Zawadzki G, Boltax J, Bott S, Chapman M, Fix M, Freeman A, Fuller M, Hartsell S, Krulewitz N, Ledyard H, Morgan M, Stephen R, Unger L, Williams W, Roginski MA, Lingenfelter E, Sloan C, Ciullo A (2020). A Guide for Caring for Patients Amidst the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic. Disaster Med Public Health Prep, 15(4), 1. (Read full article)
    4. Rothman RE, Irvin CB, Moran GJ, Sauer L, Bradshaw YS, Fry RB Jr, Josephson EB, Ledyard HK, Hirshon JM, Public Health Committee of the American College of Emergency Physicians (2006). Respiratory hygiene in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med, 48(5), 570-82. (Read full article)

    Case Report

    1. Sherrod BA, Condie CK, Brock AA, Ledyard H, Menacho ST, Mazur MD (2019). Emergent Reversal of Direct Oral Anticoagulants Permitting Neurosurgical Intervention for Nonhemorrhagic Pathology. World Neurosurg, 135, 38-41. (Read full article)