La amenaza de enfermedad grave por el virus respiratorio sincitial, o más conocido como VRS, es alarmante para nuestros seres queridos más vulnerables: los bebés pequeños y los adultos mayores...
The threat of severe illness from respiratory syncytial virus, better known as RSV, is startling for our most vulnerable loved ones: young babies and older adults. Now, there is promising...
Did you know that without UV-ray-blocking sunglasses, your eyes can also suffer sunburns? Photokeratitis is the term for sunburned eyes, and it happens when intense sun exposure over many hours...
Sabemos que la radiación ultravioleta (UV) puede provocar quemaduras solares que nos exponen al riesgo de padecer cáncer de piel, pero ¿sabía que sus ojos también pueden sufrir quemaduras solares?
The Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (RMCOEH) was recently awarded an $8.6 million grant that will allow it to further a mission that touches tens of thousands...
No two spinal cord injuries are the same. There are different causes, symptoms, and therapies for SCIs, but one thing they all have in common is a major life change...
La implantación de rituales de regreso a clases y tradiciones anuales coherentes proporciona a los niños la seguridad y estabilidad que necesitan para prosperar, al tiempo que refuerza los lazos...
Regardless of where your child is exited or dreading going back-to-school, implementing consistent rituals and annual traditions provide children with the security and stability they need to thrive while reinforcing...
Si tiene medicamentos sin usar en su botiquín, es hora de limpiarlo. Aquí compartimos cinco cosas importantes que debe saber sobre el consumo de medicamentos recetados y la seguridad para...
Researchers at University of Utah Health are testing whether an eight-week program based on positive psychology techniques can improve the mood and well-being of people who have had a stroke...
The U.S. News & World Report 2022-2023 Best Hospitals Rankings have rated University of Utah Hospital No. 1 in Utah and the Salt Lake City metro area for the tenth...
Las amigdalectomías se encuentran entre los procedimientos médicos más comunes a los que se someten los niños. Un artículo reciente de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud calcula que cada año...
Tonsillectomies are among the most common medical procedures that children undergo. They are fairly common among adults, too. Here are some reasons why a tonsillectomy may be needed.
Con la llegada del verano, también aumentan las actividades que ponen en contacto a niños y adultos. Estas circunstancias nos hacen más susceptibles de contraer infecciones oculares comunes, incluida una...
As summer heats up, so do activities that put kids and adults in close quarters. These circumstances make us more susceptible to picking up common eye infections, including a condition...
Your makeup may be overdue for some tender loving care. Taking care of your makeup means taking care of your eyes. Here are nine makeup tips to follow for healthy...
To date, lecanemab is the first traditional approval of a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Lecanemab holds promise for patients in early stages of the disease.
Erica Bisson, MD, MPH, has been appointed Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs for the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine (SFESOM) at the University of Utah.
You might not think of diabetes when you think of muscle function. But a common diabetes drug that regulates blood sugar can also prevent muscle atrophy and muscular fibrosis—which can...
In a new study, University of Utah Health researchers have shown that a particular version of a gene may contribute to the higher severity of stroke seen among Black Americans...
Ha llegado el verano y con él un calor sin precedentes. Nuestro cuerpo puede sobrecalentarse y empezar a averiarse, igual que ocurre con los coches en los días calurosos. Esta...
Kids' vision is constantly developing, so whether they have special needs or require a slight correction, the stakes are incredibly high when it comes to getting the right prescription and...