Around 47,000 fires occur during this festive season, resulting in over 500 deaths each year. But here’s the good news: preventing fires and burns is simple if you follow some...
Antes de que empiece a decorar la casa para las fiestas, tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: en esta época festiva se producen unos 47.000 incendios, con el resultado de más...
Gale Devisser, an artist known for her wire tree sculptures, faced a setback due to severe arthritis in her thumb. After years of managing the pain through cortisone shots and...
It’s common to struggle to see street signs or make out faces at a distance. The good news is lifestyle tweaks and new treatment options can go beyond a traditional...
Es habitual que le cueste ver las señales de la calle o distinguir caras a distancia. La buena noticia es que los cambios en el estilo de vida y las...
Si alguien en su vida ha sufrido recientemente la pérdida de un embarazo, puede mostrarle su apoyo de forma sincera, respetando su intimidad y su espacio mientras atraviesa esta tragedia.
If someone in your life has recently suffered pregnancy loss, it can be hard to know exactly what to say or do to help while the person is grieving. However...
No se sienta culpable por no ofrecer una comida casera. Hay muchas ideas equivocadas sobre la comida congelada. Pueden formar parte de una dieta sana y equilibrada. Aquí compartimos algunas...
Don’t feel guilty about not offering a homecooked meal. There are a lot of misconceptions about frozen food. They can be part of a healthy, balanced diet. Here’s how.
When family is together it's a good time to talk about health history. It's something a lot of people don't discuss because they may not realize that certain eye conditions...
Taking care of a sick or aging family member can be exhausting. If you feel overwhelmed, you're not alone. Here are some ways to relieve some of the pressure.
CommonSpirit Health and University of Utah Health are pleased to announce a strategic clinical alliance that will give patients increased access to high-performing, world-class medical care close to home.
Descubra cómo evitar siete errores comunes de seguridad alimentaria para asegurar que su banquete de Acción de Gracias sea tanto seguro como delicioso.
Cuidar de un familiar enfermo o anciano puede ser agotador. Si se siente abrumado, no está solo. Mientras cuida de otro, sus necesidades también importan.
Un tipo de infección por neumonía que está aumentando en los EE. UU. ha provocado una advertencia del CDC. Históricamente, se ha asociado con la frase 'neumonía errante', que es...
A type of pneumonia infection that’s increasing in the U.S. prompted a warning from the CDC. It’s historically been linked to the phrase “walking pneumonia,” which is a mild form...
El diagnóstico de diabetes no es el mismo para todo el mundo. Aunque cada tipo de diabetes se caracteriza por un nivel elevado de azúcar en sangre, la diabetes tipo...
A diabetes diagnosis isn’t the same for everyone. While each type of diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar, type 1, type 1.5, and type 2 diabetes have different causes...
Dr. Garrido-Laguna will provide a Phase I clinical trial design overview. The Project Optimus FDA initiative will be explained and future directions for Phase I research will be addressed.
Annie enrolled in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) to help her manage her complex relationship with food. She was then diagnosed with a large tumor in her chest. Her work...
Social media influencers often promote “age defying” skin care products, encouraging young followers to prevent wrinkles and crinkles as early as possible. However, the impact of these products on young...
Los influencers de las redes sociales suelen promocionar productos antiedad, animando a sus jóvenes seguidores a prevenir las arrugas lo antes posible. Sin embargo, el impacto de estos productos en...