Whether you’re swimming laps to keep fit or to get race-day ready, it’s important to perfect your form before diving into the sparkling blue waters. Here are some tips to...
Nearly 800,000 people in the U.S. choose to undergo LASIK vision correction surgery each year. Despite its popularity, several misconceptions and questions are common.
El skate puede ser un deporte de riesgo, por lo que conocer las lesiones más comunes, junto con la forma de prevenirlas y tratarlas, es importante para mantenerse seguro y...
Skateboarding can be a risky sport, so knowing common injuries, along with how to prevent and treat them, is important to staying safe and healthy on your board.
A medida que se acerca el 4 de julio, los oftalmólogos del Centro Oftalmológico John A. Moran nos recuerdan que las lesiones oculares se encuentran entre las más frecuentes en...
As the Fourth of July approaches, ophthalmologists at the John A. Moran Eye Center remind us that eye injuries are among the highest reported fireworks injuries.
Por muy seguro que conduzca, no puede controlar a los demás, lo que puede resultar bastante frustrante cuando le cortan el paso o le siguen mientras está al volante. Es...
No matter how safe you drive, you can’t control others, which can be pretty frustrating when you get cut off or tailed while behind the wheel. It’s easy to get...
Las cesáreas son cirugías abdominales mayores que requieren un tiempo de recuperación más largo que un parto vaginal, y las razones para practicarlas varían desde urgencias médicas hasta precauciones para...
C-sections are major abdominal surgeries which require a longer recovery time than a vaginal birth, and reasons for having them vary from being medical emergencies to precautions that keep mom...
We all know it's important to wear sunscreen before stepping outside in the sun, but how many of us do it consistently? Let's Get Moving Host Maria Shilaos speaks with...
University of Utah Health is pleased to share the appointment of Travis Maak, MD, to the position of president of the National Basketball Association Physicians Association for the 2024-2025 season.
No es ningún secreto que las mujeres experimentan bastantes cambios hormonales a lo largo de su vida adulta. ¿Sabía que los cambios hormonales importantes, como el embarazo y la menopausia...
It’s no secret that women experience quite a few hormonal changes throughout their adult lives. But did you know that major hormonal shifts, including pregnancy and menopause, can affect your...
How can an animal virus turn into a human disease? Between the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the looming concern of avian flu, the question is an urgent one, and the...
Adult ADHD ranks in the top ten for mental health searches. According to recent statistics, more than 8.7 million adults in the U.S. have been diagnosed with ADHD.
Las superficies calientes pueden ser delicadas, porque puede que no sea inmediatamente evidente que una superficie está lo suficientemente caliente como para provocar una quemadura.
Hot surfaces can be tricky, because it may not be immediately obvious that a surface is hot enough to cause a burn. Learn the ways to prevent and treat contact...
We've all done it. It's too much of a hassle to take them out beforehand, and who wants to look like a total noob wearing goggles the entire time you're...
¿Qué ocurre si tiene el útero inclinado? ¿Hace que le duelan las reglas o que le cueste quedarse embarazada? Con todo lo que le preocupa, ¿es esto algo que debe...