Cody Harris has suffered from severe depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and bipolar disorder since he was seven years old. When effective treatment options seemed to be running out, Harris’...
Presidential elections bring on a great deal of stress for many different reasons. While we can’t eliminate anxiety altogether, we can take steps to avoid stressful situations.
La endometriosis puede afectar hasta a una de cada 10 personas asignadas al sexo femenino al nacer. Aparte de sus efectos sobre la calidad de vida diaria, la endometriosis puede...
Las caídas accidentales pueden provocar lesiones a cualquiera, incluso a personas jóvenes y sanas. Pero para los adultos mayores de 65 años, las caídas son más probables y más graves...
In 2006, Steve Pitkin suffered a serious heart attack while hiking above Salt Lake City with his daughter. The main artery in Pitkin’s heart was completely blocked, leaving 70% of...
The American College of Surgeons (ACS) has named Thomas K. Varghese Jr., MD, as the next Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons.
Accidental falls can lead to injury for anyone—even folks who are young and healthy. But for adults over the age of 65, falls are more likely and more serious. Here's...
Enterarse de que su hijo tiene asma puede ser angustioso y plantearle muchas preguntas. ¿Cómo lo llevará en su vida diaria? ¿Podrá hacer deporte? ¿Qué debe hacer para ayudarles durante...
University of Utah Hospital earned the prestigious international Baby-Friendly designation for the fourth time, and is the only facility in Utah to hold this important accreditation.
El primer trimestre también puede provocar ansiedad a algunos futuros padres, sobre todo si han sufrido abortos espontáneos tempranos en el pasado. Le compartimos unas síntomas comunes y otras no...
The first trimester of a pregnancy can come with several challenging symptoms as your body goes through fast and significant changes. Here are some common and not-so-common pregnancy symptoms.
¿Existe alguna relación entre la presión alta y la disfunción eréctil? Sin duda. Sin embargo, las dos afecciones suelen formar parte de un conjunto más amplio de problemas de salud.
More than three million Americans are diagnosed with epilepsy, and roughly a third of them cannot get relief from medications. The good news is more treatment options are available
POTS is a condition that affects 1 to 3 million people in the U.S., including Olympic swimmer Katie Ledecky and singer Halsey. Here are five important things to know about...
El POTS es una enfermedad que afecta a entre 1 y 3 millones de personas en EE.UU., entre ellas la nadadora olímpica Katie Ledecky y la cantante Halsey. Aquí tienes...
After experiencing the heartbreaking loss of her first baby, Nicole Atzeni found hope and personalized care through the Pregnancy After Loss Program at University of Utah Health. With the support...
The Division of Hematology at the University of Utah's Department of Internal Medicine is pleased to announce that Anna Beaudin, PhD, has been named the inaugural holder of the John...
La discriminación por razón de edad es una de las formas más generalizadas de discriminación que a menudo pasa desapercibida. Tanto si se considera a una persona demasiado mayor como...