Los expertos del Centro Oftalmológico John A. Moran de la Universidad de Utah advierten de que mirar directamente a cualquier parte del sol durante cualquier eclipse solar puede causar daños...
Experts at the John A. Moran Eye Center at the University of Utah warn that looking directly at any part of the sun during any solar eclipse can cause eye...
Read along as we follow the heartwarming and unbreakable bond between two sisters, Jesica and Raquel, and how one sisters act of selflessness forever changed both of their lives.
If you’ve noticed that your child’s chest looks slightly sunken or caved in, they might have a type of chest wall deformity called pectus excavatum, also sometimes referred to as...
Cuando está embarazada, el cuerpo se llena de sorpresas. Estas vueltas y revueltas pueden incluso traer noticias alarmantes del médico sobre un embarazo de alto riesgo.
When a baby is on board, the body is full of surprises. These twists and turns may even bring about alarming news from your doctor concerning a high-risk pregnancy.
New PSA features Elmo and friends showing how humming can help support people’s emotional well-being as part of a series of activities for the ‘Love, Your Mind’ campaign. Sesame Workshop...
The collaborative efforts of the Salt Lake City School District, Salt Lake Education Foundation, University of Utah Health, and West High School culminated in the successful grand opening of the...
Las hernias no se limitan a los atletas y los ancianos; se producen con más frecuencia de lo que se piensa. Conocer mejor esta afección y sus repercusiones arrojará luz...
Hernias occur more often than you may think. Having a better understanding of this condition and the repercussions of a hernia will shed light on this sometimes painful and surprisingly...
Hay algunas razones inofensivas por las que las uñas pueden cambiar de color pero algunos cambios en las uñas podrían indicar una enfermedad peligrosa.
Los riñones son órganos vitales que actúan como sistema de filtración del organismo. Filtran la sangre, eliminan los desechos y el exceso de agua del organismo y producen orina.
According to the National Kidney Foundation, 33% of adults in the U.S. are at risk for developing kidney disease. Learn how to take the best care of your kidneys to...
Desde la abundancia de polen en el aire y el humo de los incendios forestales hasta la muda de pelo de las mascotas, la primavera puede hacer estragos en los...
From an abundance of airborne pollen and wildfire smoke to shedding pets, spring can really do a number on your eyes. Follow these 11 springtime basics for clear, healthy eyes.
According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 500,000 people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD), and that number is expected to double by 2040.
Rachel Harbert navigated fertility challenges and loss during pregnancy. Inspired by her journey, she became a patient coordinator, advocating for pregnant and new mothers. Rachel guides patients through their healthcare...
Los niños tienen todo tipo de olores extraños. La mayoría de ellos pueden eliminarse con jabón, agua, cepillo de dientes y pasta dental. Sin embargo, algunos pueden ser señal de...
Kids have all kinds of funky smells. Most of them can be handled with just soap, water, a toothbrush. and toothpaste. However, some may signal health problems. The question is...
After a spinal cord injury (SCI), life can throw some serious curveballs, sparking questions and fears about your new normal. For men, some of the biggest concerns have to do...