Tener un recién nacido es un momento emocionante para los padres. Pero también puede resultar abrumador estar al día de las numerosas citas con el pediatra, los hitos del crecimiento...
Having a newborn is an exciting time for parents, but it can also be overwhelming. Your doctor will perform several types of checkups and screenings to identify many possible diseases...
Muchas mujeres embarazadas, sobre todo las primerizas, tienen dudas sobre la actividad física durante el embarazo. Hacer ejercicio durante el embarazo es seguro para la madre y el bebé.
Many expecting women, especially first-time mothers, have questions about physical activity during pregnancy. Exercising while pregnant is safe for mom and baby.
Young adults who use social media are three times as likely to suffer from depression. Understand social media's negative impact on youth mental health and the importance of healthy social...
La pandemia de COVID-19 puso de relieve la importancia de usar una mascarilla para ayudar a detener la transmisión de los virus respiratorios, incluidos los de la gripe y el...
It’s hard to break habits of checking TikTok or Instagram and constantly refreshing to see more, but it’s important to take time away for our mental and physical health. Parents...
The University of Utah was selected to receive a $1.5 million grant through the Strada Education Network’s Beyond Completion Challenge. This three-year grant from Strada Education Network will help learners...
Según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, aproximadamente 9 de cada 10 personas que sufren una parada cardiaca fuera del hospital mueren. Sin embargo, la reanimación...
Running is an easy and inexpensive way to get and stay in shape. But finding the motivation can be the hardest part. Here are three tips to help reach your...
When a person experiences cardiac arrest, the heart stops beating, and blood is not pumped to the rest of the body. Instead of waiting for trained medical professionals, you can...
About 9 in 10 people who have cardiac arrest outside the hospital die. However, CPR can improve those odds, doubling or tripling a person’s chance of survival.
Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) has been the recipient of some holiday cheer for the past several years. Vynessa Campos, a science teacher at Elkridge Middle School, encourages her classes...
Huntsman Mental Health Institute and University of Utah Health are once again joining the Huntsman Mental Health Foundation, the Utah System of Higher Education, and the Utah Film Center to...
Puede que el asma no sea lo primero en lo que piense durante el invierno. Pero el frío puede empeorar los síntomas de quienes padecen esta enfermedad. Aquí compartimos algunas...
Asthma may not be the first thing you think of during the winter. But colder weather can exacerbate symptoms for people with the condition. Here’s why.
University of Utah Health today announced a gift of $1.5 million to create the Richard A. and Carmen J. Rogers Endowment Fund within the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation...
During a doctor visit, you'll get an inflatable cuff wrapped around your arm that slowly tightens as it reads your blood pressure. The health care professional measuring it tells you...
It's important to stretch to maintain healthy joints and have appropriate mobility for physical activity. But how long should you stretch for? And, should you always stretch before you exercise...
(WashingtonPost.com) - Amid the mist and suds, a good shower can relax not only your body but also your mind, unleashing streams of consciousness, clarity and creativity.
El agua constituye más de dos tercios del cuerpo humano. Sin embargo, perdemos agua de nuestro cuerpo todos los días al sudar, respirar, ir al baño y a través de...
A todos los niños les encantan los juguetes, pero encontrar un juguete para su hijo que sea educacional y adecuado para su desarrollo puede ser difícil. El juguete perfecto depende...