You want to learn more about protein, but after some research on the Internet, you are just confused. How much protein do you really need? Do you need more if...
Raynaud's Syndrome is a condition affecting approximately eight percent of the population. Symptoms include color changes in the hands when exposed to cold or stress. Rheumatologist Tracy Frech, MD, provides...
SPF stands for Sunburn Protection Factor and indicates how long one can stay in the sun without getting burned. Despite common belief, the SPF number alone may not be the...
Extreme cravings, headaches, fatigue, low energy, brain fog, gas, and bloating. Have you ever experienced a situation where you start eating healthier and instead of feeling better, you feel worse...
Last week’s dinner has been in the fridge for several days now, is it still safe to eat? Registered dietitian Theresa Dvorak answers all the questions you might have about...
As the kids leave home, parents often anticipate newfound freedom and excitement. However, the reality can sometimes be quite different. Family physician Kyle Bradford Jones, MD, delves into the phenomenon...
Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex 1 virus, which resides in nerves near the spinal column. These sores are painful and persistent, and once the virus infects the...
You’re playing softball and get a line drive straight to the forehead. You might have a concussion and may need to go to the ER, but don’t know how to...
Each year, more than 10,000 people in the United States go to the ER for injuries related to the holidays. Without singing them out, emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen...
It’s true that the flu shot contains the flu itself, but it won’t make you ill. Dr. Suzan Terry lists reasons why people think they may have gotten the flu...
Recursion Pharmaceuticals has developed a new method of drug discovery that they claim will lead to 100 new treatments for hard-to-treat rare genetic diseases within 10 years. Christopher Gibson, Ph.D...
Statistics reveal the optimal time for a baby to enter the world, but sometimes it doesn’t work out as planned. Dr. Kirtly Jones discusses the perfect timetable with high-risk pregnancy...
There's a common skiing injury that can quickly develop into a chronic and painful condition if ignored. The problem is many times it’s shrugged off as a tweak or strain...
Have you ever felt like something was wrong but you weren’t sure what? Patients who suffer from nebulous symptoms can’t always communicate their conditions concisely to their physician. Dr. Tom...
Family dinners, holiday parties, jingle bells and presents! It’s that joyous time of the year again – but you’re feeling depressed and moody. Are you really depressed or just stressed...
The choice to abstain from eating meat and other animal products can be a healthy alternative. Registered dietitian Kary Woodruff says it should be a well-informed decision. Some nutrients are...
Carbon Monoxide (CO) is known as the silent killer. It is colorless and odorless and can cause sudden illness and even death when not monitored. Carbon monoxide poisoning increases during...
Examination of DNA from 21 primate species – from squirrel monkeys to humans – exposes an evolutionary war against infectious bacteria over iron that circulates in the blood. Published in...
Whooping cough is a deadly disease, and it’s more likely your baby will get it now than ever. There were more cases in 2012 than in the previous 60 years...
Physical abuse in relationships tends to get worse over time. Victims receiving a constant barrage of intimidation begin to believe they are at fault. Social worker Wendy James suggests that...
A study published in the journal Nature suggests there are mutations in over 1,000 genes that could contribute to development of autism. Hilary Coon, Ph.D., an author on the paper...
In Utah, 21 people die every month from prescription drug overdoses. Modern computer databases are capable of identifying multiple prescriptions from different doctors for the same patient, which may lead...
New parabolic skis allow skiers to have more control on the slope, but the new shape may lead to injuries, even for experienced skiers. Orthopedic surgeon Dr. David Rothberg discusses...
Sleep apnea, sleepwalking and sleep talking all have an impact on sleep quality for both the person suffering from the sleep disorder and the person they share a bed with...