So, how do you define burnout? What are the signs to look for? How do you cope? Here are some helpful tips and ways to combat this sense of hopelessness...
For the first time, a new analysis found that among Utah children aged 8 years old, rates of autism were equal in White children and children from historically underserved populations...
Miranda was struggling with debilitating depression and suicidal ideation after trying countless treatments and therapy prescribed by her doctor. The team of mental health experts at Huntsman Mental Health Institute...
Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) welcomes Peter Ash, MD, as our Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds speaker on March 15, 2023. His presentation is titled “Criminal Culpability in Adolescents and...
People are becoming increasingly interested in classic psychedelics as potential interventions to treat a range of mental health conditions. Psilocybin is a classic psychedelic that is showing promising results in...
El tratamiento para la salud mental suele ser un tema desconocido para muchas personas, pero no hay por qué tenerle miedo a lo desconocido. Es importante reconocer que todos podemos...
Las investigaciones demuestran que los niños y adolescentes tienen problemas con su imagen corporal. Por suerte, hay técnicas que pueden ayudarle a usted y a sus hijos a desarrollar una...
Research shows that children and adolescents are struggling with body image. Luckily, early intervention techniques can help you and your kids develop a healthy relationship with their bodies and with...
If you’re interested in seeking ketamine treatment for depression, you probably have a few questions about how it all works. Here is a quick overview to help you along your...
Las citas entre adolescentes son habituales e incluso pueden ser saludables para el desarrollo emocional y social. Pero es fundamental que los adolescentes aprendan pronto las señales y los riesgos...
Dating among teens is common and can even be healthy for emotional and social development. But it’s critical that teens learn the signs and risks of an unhealthy relationship early.
Shami Kanekar, PhD, is a neuroscientist and a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry. Her groundbreaking research is in the areas of depression, anxiety, and substance use.
Las redes sociales tienen buenas intenciones: conectarlo con gente de todo el mundo, mostrarle contenidos que le interesan y ofrecerle entretenimiento sin fin. Pero también hay consecuencias negativas. La investigación...
Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness (USARA) is an independent, non-profit organization that has been serving individuals and families affected by substance use disorders since its founding in 2006. USARA...
Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) welcomes Eric L. Garland, PhD, LCSW, as our Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds speaker on February 1, 2023. His presentation is titled “Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement...
Young adults who use social media are three times as likely to suffer from depression. Understand social media's negative impact on youth mental health and the importance of healthy social...
It’s hard to break habits of checking TikTok or Instagram and constantly refreshing to see more, but it’s important to take time away for our mental and physical health. Parents...
Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) has been the recipient of some holiday cheer for the past several years. Vynessa Campos, a science teacher at Elkridge Middle School, encourages her classes...
Huntsman Mental Health Institute and University of Utah Health are once again joining the Huntsman Mental Health Foundation, the Utah System of Higher Education, and the Utah Film Center to...