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What Is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover refers to a combination of cosmetic surgeries that target physical changes from pregnancy and breastfeeding. Depending on your goals and what you and your surgeon discuss, your mommy makeover may include some of these procedures:

Best Candidates for a Mommy Makeover

You may be a good candidate for a mommy makeover if:

  • You are physically healthy and fully recovered from childbirth.
  • You are at your goal weight and plan to maintain it.
  • You have realistic expectations about your surgical results.
  • You have the proper support for your recovery period.
  • You would like to improve your appearance for the following reasons:
    • your breasts are sagging or have too little or too much volume;
    • your abdominal muscles are stretched or separated (diastasis recti);
    • your abdomen still sticks out and lacks tone or strength despite diet and exercise;
    • your lower abdomen is not in proportion with the rest of your body;
    • your skin has stretch marks, is loose, or is sagging; and/or
    • you have excess fat in your hips, thighs, or lower back.

When Mommy Makeover May Not Be Best

Your surgeon may caution against a mommy makeover if you:

  • might consider future pregnancy,
  • have been breastfeeding in the last several months,
  • plan to lose a significant amount of weight,
  • have significant scar tissue from a previous abdominal surgery,
  • smoke,
  • have a severe chronic condition like heart disease or diabetes.
  • have difficultly healing,
  • are prone to hernias, or
  • are prone to blood clots or have a bleeding disorder.

What to Expect at Your Consultation

If you do not plan on going through your insurance to pay for this procedure, you will receive a free consultation with us. However, if you do plan on going through insurance, you will be subject to your insurance provider’s deductible or co-pay.

An appointment typically lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. During this time, we will fully assess you and your needs and answer questions that you have. 

At your first appointment, your plastic surgeon will likely:

  • examine and measure the areas of your body you would like to improve like your abdomen, breasts, thighs, back, and hips,
  • take photographs, and
  • weigh you.

We will also talk with you about:

  • your medical history,
  • your surgical goals and options,
  • likely outcomes and potential complications,
  • the extent of recovery and how well you are prepared for it,
  • a cost estimate, and
  • how to prepare for your surgery.

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How to Prepare for Mommy Makeover Surgery

When we meet with you, we will give you specific instructions to prepare for surgery. They may include the following:

  • Reach your goal weight before scheduling your surgery.
  • Stop smoking, if you smoke, for at least four weeks before and after surgery.
  • Optimize your mental health and ensure you have a support system in place.
  • Avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, certain supplements, and recreational drugs for a period of time before surgery.
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight prior to your surgery.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home from surgery and help you at home during your recovery.

Mommy Makeover Procedure

How Long Does Surgery Take?

We typically perform a mommy makeover as an outpatient surgery. This means you can go home the same day. The length of your surgery depends on the procedures you have with your mommy makeover.

If we anticipate needing more than six hours total, it may be advised to split your mommy makeover into two separate surgeries for safety. You can have a second surgery three months after the first.

Time in Surgery

Before Surgery Begins

As we prepare you for surgery, we will:

  • draw incision guidelines on your skin for the surgical techniques we plan to use.
  • insert an IV that can deliver fluids, general anesthesia, a sedative, and pain medication to your body.
  • place noninvasive monitors for your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation.

Tummy Tuck Procedure

During a tummy tuck, your surgeon will tighten the muscles of your abdominal wall and remove excess fat and skin from your middle and lower abdomen. This will give your abdomen a flatter, firmer appearance.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

During your breast augmentation, your surgeon will place breast implants behind your breast tissue or muscle. The incisions will be hidden either under your breasts or along the areolas.

Breast Lift Procedure

During a breast lift, your surgeon will:

  • Remove excess skin from your breasts.
  • Reshape the surrounding breast tissue.
  • Reposition your areolae and nipples, and
  • Close the incision to tighten the remaining skin and lift your breasts. 

Your surgeon may also reduce the size of your areolae.

Breast Reduction Procedure

During a breast reduction, your surgeon will remove excess fat, tissue, and skin from your breasts. At the same time, your surgeon may also reduce the size of your areolae, lift your breasts, and make them more even in size.

Liposuction Procedure

During your liposuction, we will insert a thin hollow tube (cannula) through several small incisions. This will loosen and suction fat from your body.

After Your Surgery

You will rest in a recovery room for around two hours after your procedure. Then, you should be ready to go home and will need someone to drive you. We will show you how to care for your drains, if you have them. We will also fit you with light bandages, compression garments, and a surgical bra, depending on your procedures. You will be prescribed medications to help manage your pain and other symptoms, if you didn’t already receive them.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Look Like?

Mommy Makeover Recovery

Your surgeon will schedule regular follow-up visits with you to support you throughout your recovery. The most important thing to remember is that you should follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions closely. If you ever have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call us at 801-581-7719.

What to Expect After Mommy Makeover

Swelling, bruising, discomfort, limited mobility, and other symptoms are normal after a mommy makeover. To help your body heal, your surgeon will give you the following aftercare instructions that are specific to your surgeries.

  • Have someone help you at home for at least a couple of days, but ideally much longer if you have a tummy tuck.
  • Keep drainage tubes in place for up to two weeks to stop fluid from building up near your incisions (cuts).
  • Wear a surgical bra and compression garment over your surgical areas, which helps with swelling and provides support.
  • Take medication for pain and other symptoms.
  • Avoid lifting anything more than 10 pounds for up to six weeks.
  • Limit certain physical activities for weeks to months.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Mommy Makeover?

The recovery time for a mommy makeover varies, depending on the following factors:

  • the procedures you have,
  • your age and health, and
  • following aftercare instructions.

You can expect it to take as long as the recovery for the most extensive procedure you are having. Tummy tucks typically have the longest recovery time (at least three months).

Make an Appointment with Our Plastic Surgeons

Call our office at 801-581-7719 if you would like to learn more about having a mommy makeover. We will be happy to schedule a consultation for you with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in the procedures that interest you.

Insurance and Payment

Most health insurance plans do not cover mommy makeover procedures since they are typically not medically necessary. However, we are happy to contact your insurance company to determine your coverage and eligibility. We also offer many payment and financing options to help make surgery affordable for you.

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