In 2018, Ruth Hill got out of bed one morning and felt her spine literally break. The 53-year-old collapsed to the floor. “I knew something catastrophic had happened,” Ruth says.
Life can be challenging—bringing emotions of fear, sadness, uncertainty, stress, or anxiety. During these times, having confidence in yourself may not come easy. However, positive affirmations can help.
In this episode, Holli and Brett discuss the integration of the Family Frailty Score as an assessment tool for patients undergoing advanced heart failure therapies. Various key considerations surrounding the...
Mountain biking can be a risky sport, requiring specialized equipment and sometimes taking place on difficult terrain. That’s why it’s important to keep these safety tips in mind before you...
La Clínica Long COVID (COVID a plazo largo) de University of Utah Health se embarca en su tercer año, ayudando a más de 3.100 pacientes de Utah y estados vecinos...
The Long COVID Clinic at University of Utah Health is embarking on its third year, helping more than 3,100 patients from Utah and surrounding states with prolonged symptoms of COVID-19.
Cuando los niños vuelven a clases o se incorporan a ellas por primera vez, es esencial asegurarse de que su visión funciona correctamente. Si tienen problemas, ahora es el momento...
As kids head back to school or jump in for the first time, it's essential to ensure their vision is functioning correctly. If they have issues, now is the time...
En al menos el 10% de todos los casos de COVID, unas pocas semanas se convierten en meses o años. Los síntomas prolongados del COVID pueden hacer que la vuelta...
For people with long COVID, symptoms can last months or even years, making a return to normal life feel impossible. Who's at risk, and what treatments are available?
Michael Martinez, a former mountain biker and bodybuilder, faced a life-changing diagnosis when he discovered he had a metastatic brain tumor originating from kidney cancer. With the support of U...
Es tarde por la noche, y está completamente despierta empapada en sudor y con el calor recorriéndote el cuerpo. Mientras su corazón se acelera, se pregunta: "¿Qué está pasando? ¿Es...
About 60-80% of women in their midlife experience hot flashes. But you don't have to suffer. Here's some advice from University of Utah Health experts.
Mary Brickey, an artist, teacher, and mother, faced a life-altering motorcycle accident in October 2022, resulting in the loss of her leg. Despite the severe injury, multiple surgeries, and six...
Comer como un atleta olímpico significa algo más que consumir el número adecuado de calorías. Saber qué, cuándo y cómo comer en función de las exigencias de su deporte puede...
Eating like an Olympian means more than just consuming the right number of calories. Understanding what, when, and how to eat for the demands of your particular sport can give...
El humo de los incendios forestales de verano puede viajar cientos de millas, lo que puede causar estragos en nuestra salud y permanecer en la atmósfera mucho después de que...
Smoke from summer wildfires can travel hundreds of miles, which can wreak havoc on our health and float in the atmosphere long after the smoke has cleared. Here are some...
Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital continues to rank among the nation’s top rehabilitation hospitals and moved up 20 spots in the U.S. News & World Report.